The MW Unity Namespace

Welcome to the MW Namespace Source Code!

A library containing helpful classes, methods, functions, and data structures to help with game development in the Unity Engine.

The MW Namespace isn't exclusively restricted to extending the Unity Engine! Most functionality and utilities provided by the namespace can be used to extend the normal C# language.


The MW Unity Namespace was built for Unity Engine 2021.1.3f1 and previously Unity Engine 2020.2.4f1.

  • Either:
  •             See how to Build and Compile MW.
  •             Download the latest release of MW.
  • Drag MW.dll, and MW.xml if you want documentation, somewhere in your Assets/ folder in your Unity Project.
  • Unity will recompile with MW.dll.
  • In any C# script in your Project, add:
  • using MW;
  • or any other sub-namespace, such as
  • using MW.Math;
  • You should now have access to the MW Namespace.

The Documentation

Navigate using the links on the left of the page listing the Classes or Namespaces of MW. The Content Area is everything excluding the left navigation menu.

The documentation is structured such that the Main Text in the middle of the Content Area is the name of the class with a summary underneath.

Any non-bolded text (without brackets) are variables (properties or fields) of that class.
Any bolded text (with brackets) are publicly callable methods or functions of that class.

You can see the declaration signature for variables, methods, and functions, showing their visibility, modifier, return type, and attributes (if any).
Underneath the method or function, you will see a summary of what the method or function does, along with any input parameters and return values.

Underneath the method or function, you will see a summary of what the method or function does, along with any input parameters and return values. ref or out parameters are denoted with an & at the end of the parameter type.

The documentation is automatically by MGenerator. The source code for generation is separate from MW..

About the MW Namespace

The MW Unity Namespace was an idea conceived in December 2020, after four months of developing games in the Unity Engine.

The mission is to provide as much re-usable code in one place that will help game development in Unity.

Other engines, such as CRYENGINE and UnrealEngine, have a significant number of utility classes, methods, and functions that the Unity API lacks. The MW Unity Namespace aims to bridge the gap by providing implementations for such utilities for the Unity Engine.

The MW Unity Namespace is under constant development.

Additional Notes

The MW Unity Namespace is purpose-built for a private game project for the simulation of Airplanes.

While most, if not all, methods and functions have gone through testing, some, especially Aerodynamics, are purpose-built and tested only on the project mentioned above, which may not work on your project.